项目名称: 加拿大阁睿北京分公司 — 销售中心
项目地址: 中国 . 北京
竣工时间: 2023
设计施工: 北京华盈恒信
创意总监: 赵琦
图纸深化: 余浩洋
商务经理: 何猛
致力于为世界公民提供美好生活体验的加拿大阁睿,其北京办公室作为在海外设立的第一个城市分公司,选址繁华高端的国贸商圈,这无疑表达了对高净值客户的重视及对国人海外置业的信心。Committed to providing a better life experience for the citizens of the world, Canada Gryphon’s Beijing office, as its first city branch established overseas, is located in the dynamic and high-end international business hub, which undoubtedly expresses the importance of high net worth customers and the confidence of outbound real estate investment.
HSD(北京华盈恒信)设计营建团队荣幸承接了此次项目设计及施工任务。本设计方案中,企业LOGO玫瑰金的装饰色彩应用,对LOGO造型元素的立体诠释,以及加拿大枫叶装饰元素的点缀,打造出具有“加拿大阁睿”企业特色的室内空间。HSD design & construction team is honored to undertake the project design and construction tasks. In this design scheme, the rosa gold decorative color application of corporate LOGO, the ultimate interpretation of LOGO elements, and the embellishment of Canadian maple leaf decoration, creates an interior space with the enterprising characteristics of "Canada Gryphon".
Space in high-end warm grey as main color, detailed decoration made by exquisite rose gold stainless steel, front desk of crystal & transparent stone, with light luxurious soft-furniture decoration, jointly creates a high-end, modern and comfortable light luxurious interior space in real estate style.精美的设计,更需要高品质施工技术的支撑。HSD为每一位客户精心施工,打造完美细节,“匠人精神” 贯彻始终。High-quality construction technique is the fundamental of exquisite design. HSD tailor-mades for each customer in order to create the perfect details demonstrating craftsmanship.
From the front hall into the activity area of exhibition venue, the large ultra-thin light box wall and LED display become the visual focus. The gentle and layered lighting environment and the scene-based VI system create a vivid atmosphere for the activity area of exhibition venue.展厅活动区多种规格形式的沙盘模型,给来宾带来丰富精美的视觉感受。The various sand table of multiple sizes in the activity area of exhibition hall brings rich and exquisite visual feelings to the guests.
Construction method illustration, material display board, exquisite details, advanced color-mix fully match the interior space. Realizing the coexistence of functionality and decoration.
VIP大接待室,设计上延续了公共空间色调及地产轻奢风。潘多拉奢石桌面与精美配饰点亮空间。Grand VIP reception room, designed to extending the tone of public space and real estate luxurious light style. Pandora's luxury stone tabletop and accessories brighten the space.两间小接待室墙面选择了蓝、绿两种不同的色彩,分别与公司企业宣传色相呼应。蓝色搭配灰粉营造西方异域特色,灰绿搭配木色,经典复古。独立小接待室色彩别有洞天。 The wall of the two small reception room chooses blue & green, respectively matching company's corporate color & theme. Blue with gray-pink to create western exotic features, gray-green with wood color being retro style, as unique color-mix.
设 计 师
赵 琦
赵琦女士,高级工程师,北京华盈恒信 (HSD) 创意总监。在艺术创意方面,其设计作品及设计理论研究曾屡获国内设计大赛奖项。北京市建筑设计研究院多年从业经历,为其打下深厚的项目管理及技术经验基础,具备大型公建类项目主案设计及专业负责人经验。
荣誉 & 奖项
. 首届BIAD杯北京市青年建筑创意设计大赛 铜奖;. 2016年被中国建筑装饰协会授予 “中国杰出中青年室内建筑师”;. 第八届 “中装杯”全国大学生环境设计大赛 评审委员会委员;
. 第九届 “中装杯”全国大学生环境设计大赛 导师;
Audrey Zhao
Senior engineer
Creative Director, HSD Beijing
Ms. Audrey Zhao, Senior Engineer (Beijing HSD). In terms of artistic creativity, her design works and theoretical research have won many awards in domestic design competitions. She has many years of working experience in Beijing Institute of Architectural Design and Research, which has laid a profound foundation of project management and technical experience, and has the experience of master design and professional experience in charge of large-scale public construction projects.
She has served as the head of many major design cases and interior design projects in national ministerial level, and has experience in reception space design at the state guest level. In recent years, she has been researching office and commercial space design. In addition, she also has her own unique views and rich design practices for medical & technological space design.
Different from other designers, she once served as the director of branding for a well-known enterprise across the country. She is good at branding, combined with space art design expertise, serving clients’ requirement and creating the according office and commercial space environment which is suitable for customers' brand development strategy and brand culture.. Gold Award of the 12th China International Space Design Competition;. Silver Award in Theory category of the 13th China International Space Design Competition;. Bronze Award of the first BIAD Cup Beijing Youth Architectural Creative Design Competition;. In 2016, he was awarded "China Outstanding Young and Middle-aged Interior Architect" by China Building Decoration Association;. Expert appointed by Academic and Education Committee of China Architectural Decoration Association;. Member of the Evaluation Committee of the 8th "Chinese Cup" National College Students Environmental Design Competition;. The 9th "Chinese Cup" National College Students Environmental Design Competition tutor;
HSD is an architectural design and engineering company with an international perspective, providing professional and integrated design and construction support for different fields and different types of projects, and adopting the "EPC" (design + procurement + construction) model to achieve seamless connection between design and construction. Since our establishment, we have created unique and stylish office and business environments for some of China's largest and most insightful companies.